STEM Starts Here: Orlando Science Center Preschool



Learn and grow with Orlando Science Center STEM Preschool! 

STEM starts here at Orlando Science Center! A few spots remain for three-year-olds in Orlando’s oldest and most prestigious STEM preschool. Act now so you don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity for your early learner. Since 2009, Orlando Science Center’s trained preschool educators have nurtured young children while building critical 21st-century skills in a fun and safe environment.

Students benefit from a learning space that includes hands-on activities, plus the content-rich STEM experiences available only at Orlando Science Center. Every facet is explored as a learning opportunity. Storytime can use the “Three Billy Goats Gruff” as a basis to explore bridge building or arts and crafts to encourage students to invent a solution for a problem in their lives.

Introducing STEM concepts within the preschool learning environment reduces the barriers of entry found later in the life. Students are excited, rather than intimidated, by these subjects and their confidence with STEM concepts stays with them as they progress to kindergarten and beyond. Orlando Science Center has also created professional development for preschool educators so they can bring hands-on STEM learning into their own classrooms.

a preschool childand teacher  excited about the success of a science experiment

Over the past decade, Orlando Science Center’s preschool has graduated hundreds of confident, inquisitive learners. Our team has created a learning environment unmatched by any other preschool in the region. Teachers ignite the curiosity of their students and present challenge-based activities created to nurture skills in problem-solving, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication. 

Orlando Science Center’s STEM preschool fills to capacity quickly so don’t delay. Enroll your child now to provide them with a learning environment unmatched by any other preschool. Three-year-olds enrolled for this Fall will be guaranteed a spot in our VPK program when they turn four. Contact Reservations at 407-514-2112 or for more information or to arrange a tour of the Preschool.

Licensed by the Department of Children and Families – Childcare Center  C09OR0729

Voluntary PreKindergarten Provider (VPK) – Early Learning Coalition of Orange County

Open to any child and family regardless of race, ethnicity, faith or creed


a preschool boy finger painting